subconscious mind

What is the Subconscious mind (inner mind) Mind?

The subconscious mind refers to the part of your mind that operates below the level of your conscious awareness. It is responsible for storing memories, beliefs, experiences, habits, and automatic functions. Meanwhile, your conscious mind is responsible for active thinking and decision-making, which you experience through your sense organs (eyes, nose, ears, tongue, and skin).

On the other hand, your subconscious mind works in the background, influencing much of what we do, feel, and believe. Your intuition and gut feelings also come from your subconscious mind.

For example, when you see something with your eyes and feel amazed by it, watching the scene happens through your conscious senses (eyes, nose, ears, mouth, skin). However, the feeling of amazement you experience while watching that scene comes from your subconscious mind.

How the Subconscious Mind Works

I know it might be a bit difficult to understand for beginners, but I’ll explain it in simple terms so you can easily grasp it. Your subconscious is like your soul, holding the answers to your past, present, and future.

You might be wondering, “How is that possible?” Let me explain: your subconscious mind is your powerhouse, storing every piece of information from this life and even from your previous lives. Yes, that’s true! It stores all your memories, belief systems, habits, traumas, and experiences.

Now, you might wonder, “If everything is stored, why do we forget things?” The answer lies in the fact that the subconscious mind strongly retains emotional experiences. For instance, if you were severely harassed during childhood, the emotional trauma of that event remains vividly in your subconscious because of the strong feelings it invoked.

On the other hand, many memories fade because they didn’t evoke strong emotions. Even though you might forget certain things, your subconscious mind retains every detail, and sometimes it can be recalled through intuition or gut feelings. You might not understand why you’re feeling a certain way, but your intuition works based on the information stored in your subconscious.

Key Functions of the Subconscious Mind

Memory Storage:

Your subconscious stores every piece of information you’ve experienced through your senses. Every experience, every skill you’ve learned, and every piece of information you’ve encountered is stored here. Sometimes, you can retrieve memories through your conscious mind, but other times you cannot. This is how your intuition comes into play, guiding you toward what feels right or wrong.

That’s why I referred to your subconscious as your “soul” earlier. To enhance your intuition, it’s helpful to awaken your third eye chakra, which is directly connected to your subconscious. Meditation on your third eye, chanting “Om,” can help with this.

Habits and Behaviors:

Many of your habits, routines, and automatic behaviors are driven by your subconscious. Things like walking, driving, or even emotional reactions to certain situations happen without conscious thought. Whatever you do repetitively, your subconscious mind accepts it as a habit—whether it’s negative or positive. The subconscious doesn’t differentiate between the two.

For example, even if you make a strong decision to leave a bad habit behind, your subconscious will resist because it has already accepted that behavior. To change it, you need to reprogram your subconscious mind. You can use meditation, visualization, affirmations, or even sound waves to reprogram your subconscious. Just 7 minutes a day of listening to sound waves can help..

Beliefs and Perception:

The subconscious is the storage house for your belief system, formed through your early life experiences. What you see and experience in your environment shapes your belief system. For instance, if your father dominated and humiliated your mother while she never stood up for herself, you might subconsciously believe that humiliation is normal.

If you’re a male, you might replicate this behavior toward your partner. If you’re female, you may accept humiliation without resistance. This is how society builds its belief systems. To break this chain, you first need to change your belief system. Reprogram your beliefs in just 7 minutes a day. It will take time but will work out Reprogramming your beliefs can be achieved in just 7 minutes of daily practice.

Emotional Responses:

Your subconscious mind is also responsible for your emotional reactions. Certain triggers from past experiences can automatically evoke emotions, even if you’re not consciously aware of the reason behind them. For example, you’ve experienced many scenarios throughout your life, and how you felt in those situations is stored in your subconscious. When you face similar situations again, your subconscious evokes an automatic emotional response.

Inner Dialogue and Self-Talk:

The thoughts you regularly think, especially those that repeat and seem automatic, often come from your subconscious. These internal conversations can greatly influence your self-esteem and how you approach challenges

To change your self-talk, you can replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations and consciously choose to think in a way that supports your goals.

Examples of How the Inner Mind Works:

  1. Phobias: A fear of spiders, heights, or public speaking often originates from a past traumatic experience that is stored in the subconscious. Even though you may not consciously remember the event, your subconscious mind reacts to it automatically when triggered.
  2. Automatic Actions: Think about driving. In the beginning, you had to consciously think about every action—steering, braking, accelerating. Over time, your subconscious took over, allowing you to drive without actively thinking about each step.
  3. Dreams: The subconscious mind often communicates with us through dreams. The symbols and emotions in your dreams can reveal underlying thoughts, fears, or desires that you may not be consciously aware of.

Final Thoughts:

The subconscious mind is powerful and influences almost every aspect of your life. By understanding how it works and learning to reprogram it, you can unlock your true potential. Start by practicing mindfulness, meditation, and positive affirmations to consciously shift your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors.

Remember, your inner mind is not an obstacle; it’s a tool that can be harnessed to create the life you desire. The key is to bring awareness to your subconscious programming and intentionally reshape it for your benefit.

The Power of Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind

You can reprogram your subconscious mind using proven methods. Sometimes, it may take longer than usual, but it will surely and certainly work if you continuously practice it.

  1. Affirmations: Repeating positive statements about yourself or your goals can help change negative thought patterns. Affirmations work best when you feel emotionally connected to the statements.
  2. Visualization: When you visualize your goals and dreams, you activate your subconscious mind to start finding ways to bring those visions to life. The more you imagine positive outcomes, the closer you get to realizing your dreams.
  3. Meditation and Mindfulness: These practices help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, which makes it easier to identify and change subconscious beliefs.
  4. Hypnosis: A more direct method for accessing the inner mind , hypnosis can be used to change deeply rooted beliefs or habits. This method often helps with things like stress, anxiety, and overcoming bad habits.

Learn how you can Reprogram your subconscious in just 7 min

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