Overcoming Past Trauma: 6 Powerful Healing Practices

overcoming past trauma

Overcome |Trauma| Healing

Overcoming past trauma need healing. Only through healing you can overcome from it. Though dealing with trauma can be an overwhelming and emotional process due to its deep, lasting scars on our souls. Trauma could stem from childhood, relationships, or past experiences. Healing from past trauma is a long process; it’s not a one-time fix.

Why am I telling you this? Because I’m here to help you from my own experience. I can feel what you are going through. I can feel the suffering you’re facing right now. Whether it’s a traumatic event from your childhood, or someone cheated on you badly in a relationship, or perhaps you carry the scar of losing someone forever—Trust me, you are brave enough to heal from anything. You just need to think positively about the situation.

Believe that whatever happens, it happens for good. And you are brave enough to overcome this. I am not here to give you logical ways to heal from trauma. Instead, I’m here to share psychological ways that will help you heal each and every scar from your soul. I’m writing this blog to help those people who can’t afford to see a professional psychologist or therapist. I too healed from every trauma on my own. Taking help from a therapist would be great, but if you can’t go to one, just follow these techniques. I am confident you will heal from the root.

You might be wondering how I can be so sure? Let me tell you that I speak from my own experience.

My Story: Overcoming Past Trauma to Transformation

Three years ago, I experienced a heartbreak so intense it felt like I was facing death while still alive. I was lost, unable to move forward, and completely broken. But deep inside, I knew I was stronger than my pain.

I started my healing journey, one small step at a time. The techniques I used changed my life, and now I want to share them with you so you, too, can heal.

Here are 6 powerful and my personal tips to overcome from your past trauma:

Healing Practices to Overcome past Trauma

Accept the Trauma

If you’re hiding from the truth, don’t. The more you try to hide from it, the more it will chase you. The moment you accept it, you begin healing. Write down the trauma you’re going through, then burn the paper and flush it. It will provide you with mental relief.

Practice Gratitude Journaling

Shift your focus from what you’ve lost to what you have. Gratitude journaling helps you recognize the blessings in your life, no matter how small.

Write down all the positive things you’re grateful for, such as a supportive friend, a loving family, or even your ability to face another day. When you read your list, you’ll realize how fortunate you are, and it’ll bring positivity into your life.


Write down all the blessings you already have in your life. Perhaps you have a loving family, an understanding friend, a caring mother—whatever it may be. Write down every positive thing in your life and read it. Suddenly, you’ll start feeling positive and happy. Always count your blessings, not your scars. Remember, what you have might be what most people don’t.

Spend Time in Nature

pending time in nature can be incredibly healing. Talk to a tree (I’m not joking; they can hear you), or feed the birds. Nature has an incredible ability to calm the mind and rejuvenate the soul because we are, after all, a part of it.

Help Others in Need

Help those in need. Just do it once, and you will feel a real sense of satisfaction from the core of your soul. Helping others brings true happiness. It also encourages others to be good human beings. This act of kindness not only gives you inner satisfaction but also inspires others. By turning your pain into power, you become a role model for those around you.

Practice Self-Love

Loving yourself is crucial. Just as feeding others doesn’t nourish your body, loving others doesn’t strengthen you emotionally unless you first love yourself. Pour love into yourself to love others unconditionally. read detailed way to practice self love

Practice Mindfulness and Meditation

Meditation helps you connect with your inner self, making it easier to let go of painful memories and thoughts. Meditation allows you to keep your mind peaceful. In meditation, you can replace your traumatic events with positive ones. You can tell your subconscious, “Whatever happened, I accept it. It happened for my highest good. I have completely overcome it. I am happy and content. I am very blessed and happy.” These positive affirmations will begin to replace your negative trauma.

Meditation may be challenging for some, so you can use sound waves to help you reach a meditative state. Sound waves make it easier to stop the racing thoughts and enter a state where the space between the conscious and subconscious minds becomes very thin. In this space, you can replace negative traumatic experiences with positive affirmations. Remember, this is not a one-day process. But by applying all these methods, you will start healing from day one, and eventually, you will heal permanently. As you heal, you’ll be able to share your journey and help others too.

Finding Strength in Spiritual Wisdom

During one of the darkest times in my life, I turned to the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred text in Hinduism known for its timeless wisdom. Its teachings provided me with a sense of clarity and strength that I deeply needed to heal and move forward.

One line that resonated deeply with me was:
“You have the right to perform your duty, but not to the fruits thereof.”
This simple yet profound message taught me to focus on my actions and let go of my attachment to results. It shifted my mindset, helping me release anxiety about things beyond my control. By focusing on what I could do in the present moment, I found a sense of freedom and peace that allowed me to take steps toward healing.

While the Bhagavad Gita worked wonders for me, spiritual wisdom can come from any source that brings you peace—whether it’s a book, a belief system, or even a personal philosophy. The key is to find something that speaks to your heart and provides you with guidance during difficult times.

For me, exploring spirituality wasn’t just about finding answers; it was about discovering a deeper connection with myself and the world around me.

A Final Note

Healing from trauma is not a one-day process, but with consistent effort, you’ll notice changes from day one. Be patient and gentle with yourself as you embark on this journey.

Remember, your story of overcoming pain can inspire others. Once you heal, share your experience to help those still searching for their light. You have the power to not only transform your own life but also bring hope to others.

“This advice is based on my personal experience and may not replace professional therapy. Please consult a therapist if needed.”

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