Comparing yourself to others is something I can completely relate to. I was always the kind of person who constantly compared myself to other people. Even when I got compliments, I doubted them. I was very under-confident, though I often received compliments about my physical appearance. The funniest thing is we compare everything. If we have perfect physical features, we look for another aspect where we feel we lack. Almost 90% of people do this. They compare their weaker parts with others’ stronger sides. And whatever was left, social media filled that gap.
With the whole world connected in one place, you can see people’s achievements, success, happy lives—everything. You are just one touch away from connecting to the world on different social sites. Everything looks so perfect on social media: hair, face, cars, houses, everything.
When we see people living their best lives, having vacations, achieving success in their professions, enjoying perfect lives and beauty, we start feeling discouraged, good for nothing, unworthy. We start comparing ourselves to others, measuring our real lives against their reel lives without even being aware of their “behind-the-scenes” struggles.
If you find yourself losing confidence after seeing others’ achievements, try searching for their struggles. Look into how many years they spent reaching where they are now. You’ll see the hard work and effort they’ve put in before getting their moment in the limelight. If they felt the same way we do, would they have reached there? Never.
Comparing yourself to others creates manifestation blockages. If you send out the energy of lack, the universe responds the same way. So if you feel you are not good enough, the universe will reflect that back at you—even worse. Instead of feeling unworthy, focus on your journey, your progress, and your unique strengths.
People Who Continuously Compare Themselves to Others:
- Demotivation: Comparison often brings demotivation. If you have ever compared yourself to others in any way, think back—did it ever make you feel motivated? No. You probably felt something like, “Ah, this person is so lucky. I wish I could be like them.” It creates a sense of lack.
- Lack of Self-Love: Everyone knows self-love is important, but very few practice it. When we truly love ourselves, comparisons with others feel irrelevant.
- Unhappiness for No Reason: Imagine you get ready, feeling smart and confident, and go to a party. Once there, you see many beautiful people dressed better than you. How would you feel? Confident or stressed? Your confidence might drop because you start comparing yourself with everyone else. It feels like your effort was wasted because others look better than you.
- Lack of Authenticity: This is something I never knew. I always believed I was authentic and honest. But deep down, I felt I wasn’t good enough and that others were better than me. Authenticity requires confidence in who you are and tapping into your true self. If you’re constantly comparing yourself to others, you’re not being authentic.
I want to share an incident from my past that taught me a valuable lesson. There were two guys I knew. One was good-looking, appeared simple, and seemed spiritual from the outside. The other was a below-average-looking guy who came across as materialistic and spoiled because of his trendy clothes and luxurious cars.
I always judged them based on their appearance. I admired the first guy for his simplicity and decent looks, while I avoided the second one, assuming he wasn’t a good person. Even though the second guy adored me, I had no interest in knowing him.
But the Universe had different plans—it wanted me to understand why we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Circumstances pushed me to interact with both of them, and that’s when I realized how wrong I had been. The guy I thought was genuine turned out to be a flirt, hiding behind a mask of spirituality to impress others. On the other hand, the one I had judged as spoiled was a genuinely honest and trustworthy person who stood up for the truth.
This experience completely changed the way I see people. It taught me that, in the long run, people remember your behavior and character—not how you look or dress.
I’m sharing this story because I want you to know that good character always wins. If you’re someone who feels less than others, trust me, people will eventually recognize your worth when they see the real you.
If you want to compare yourself with anyone, let it be about character, not appearances. Compare yourself with people who are kind, genuine, and selfless—the ones who help others and give without expecting anything in return. Focus on building your character and working hard. When you do, you’ll reach a point where people will start comparing themselves to you.
When you fully accept yourself, you’ll stop comparing yourself to others and caring about who is “better” than you. Accept yourself with all your flaws, just like you accept the flaws of your loved ones. Don’t be harsh on yourself. The more you compare, the more you create self-doubt and lower your confidence. Comparing yourself to others keeps you stuck in a cycle of insecurity, but self-acceptance will make you bold, confident, and smart enough to handle people around you. Instead of looking at others’ achievements, focus on your personal growth. Everyone has their own journey, and yours is just as valuable.
Be Kind and Genuine:
You’ve probably heard that beauty lies in kindness. Physical appearance might attract someone initially, but it won’t last if you’re not good at heart. Generosity makes you more attractive and helps build long-lasting relationships.
Hard Work:
This is absolutely true—when you are capable and independent, people respect you. Comparing yourself to others only distracts you from recognizing your own strengths. Your character and hard work make you far more attractive than just your physical appearance. Instead of measuring yourself against others, focus on building your skills, confidence, and inner growth. The moment you stop comparing yourself to others, you’ll realize your true worth and attract the respect and success you deserve.
Follow Authenticity:
Have you ever felt less in front of a rich friend? Maybe you avoided inviting them to your home, fearing they might judge you. Don’t fear judgment. If you are true, genuine, and authentic, people will feel that energy if they are genuine too. And if someone judges you or distances themselves because of your circumstances, be grateful. It’s a blessing that they left because they weren’t good human beings to begin with.
Try this. Look into the mirror and admire yourself with all your flaws. Say five things that honor your inner and outer beauty. Write down five things you’re grateful for. Do activities that bring you joy. When you completely immerse yourself in self-love, you’ll realize how precious and blessed you are. And when that happens, I can bet you won’t feel the need to compare yourself to others. The more you embrace your uniqueness, the less power comparison will have over you. Instead of measuring yourself against someone else’s journey, focus on your own growth and happiness..
Final Thought
Comparing yourself to others is a habit that steals your happiness and peace. Remember, everyone is on their own unique journey. Life isn’t about being better than someone else; it’s about being better than who you were yesterday. When you constantly compare yourself to others, you overlook your own progress and strengths. Instead, focus on your growth, celebrate your achievements, and embrace your individuality. Stop comparing yourself to others, and start appreciating your own journey. You are enough, just the way you are.