Overthinking and the Subconscious Mind? How the Solar Plexus Chakra Can Free You

Overthinking and the Subconscious Mind

Overthinking and the subconscious mind are deeply interconnected, directly influencing your decision-making. Have you ever felt trapped in a cycle of over-analyzing, questioning, and second-guessing everything—at the cost of your mental peace? You tell yourself to stop overthinking, but before you know it, you’re doing it again. This endless loop can feel frustrating and exhausting.

But don’t blame yourself for your over-analyzing nature—the root cause of overthinking lies in your subconscious programming, which slows down your decision-making power. Even when it’s not about making decisions, constantly thinking about every little thing drains your energy and leaves you mentally exhausted.

In this blog, you’ll discover the true cause of overthinking and how to break free from it—not just through practical solutions but also through spiritual healing by balancing your Solar Plexus Chakra.

How the Subconscious Mind Traps You in Overthinking

Your subconscious mind is like a vast storage system, holding all your beliefs, memories, and experiences—both positive and negative. It operates 95% of your daily life, meaning most of your thoughts and behaviors are shaped by subconscious patterns you may not even be aware of.

This means that whatever you do—whether it’s making decisions, reacting to situations, or even overthinking—it’s not entirely your conscious choice. Your subconscious mind keeps you trapped in repetitive patterns until you break them through reprogramming.

For example, you might want to wake up early in the morning but constantly resist it. Why? Because the subconscious mind loves familiarity—anything new or unknown feels uncomfortable, leading to resistance.

Here’s how overthinking and the subconscious mind work together to keep you stuck:

1. Fear-Based Conditioning

If you grew up in an environment where mistakes were criticized, your subconscious may have linked decision-making with fear, causing you to over-analyze everything. Even small choices may feel overwhelming because your mind constantly anticipates negative outcomes.

2. Perfectionism Programming

Past experiences of failure or rejection may have wired your mind to seek perfection in every decision. If you were raised in a family that constantly sought external validation, you may also find yourself prioritizing what others think over your own peace. This can make you anxious and hesitant before making any decision—even if it brings you happiness.

For example, you might finally make a choice that feels right for you, but instead of embracing it, you overthink how others will react because you’ve already built a “perfect” image in society.

3. Lack of Self-Trust

Your subconscious stores past moments of self-doubt. If you have unresolved inner conflicts, it keeps questioning your decisions, making it hard to trust yourself.

Imagine being in a happy, loving relationship yet constantly doubting whether your partner truly values you. Your subconscious feeds overthinking with thoughts like, “What if they’re just using me?”, even if there’s no real reason to believe that. Sometimes, our self-worth issues create false doubts, blocking us from enjoying what we actually deserve.

4. Repetitive Thought Loops

The subconscious mind thrives on repetition. If you’ve spent years trapped in a cycle of worry and over-analysis, your mind has made it a habit. This is why breaking free from overthinking and subconscious mind patterns feels so difficult—it has become your default mode of thinking.

Understanding how your overthinking and the subconscious mind are connected is the first step. The key to breaking free lies in reprogramming these subconscious patterns—which we’ll explore further in this blog.

Connection Between Overthinking and the Solar Plexus Chakra:

The solar plexus chakra (Manipura) is the energy center located in your upper abdomen, just above the navel. It is directly connected to your subconscious mind, influencing your confidence, decision-making, and ability to take action. If your subconscious mind is conditioned with fear, self-doubt, or perfectionism, it weakens your solar plexus chakra, making you prone to overthinking and indecisiveness.

When this chakra is balanced, you feel decisive, self-assured, and mentally clear. However, if you constantly struggle with overthinking, low confidence, fear of failure, or feeling stuck in life, it’s a sign that your solar plexus chakra is blocked. Because of its direct link with your subconscious mind, working on this chakra can help you break free from negative thought patterns.

Balancing your solar plexus chakra not only restores confidence and decisiveness but also reprograms your subconscious mind, stopping overthinking at its root. When this chakra is weak or blocked, your conscious mind struggles to override subconscious fears, keeping you trapped in endless mental loops. Activating and healing your solar plexus chakra can restore clarity, empower you to take action, and free you from the cycle of overthinking and the subconscious mind limitations.

Overthinking: A Symptom of Chakra and Subconscious Imbalance:

1. If your solar plexus chakra is weak or blocked, your subconscious mind defaults to fear-based thinking, leading to over-analyzing every decision.

2. If your subconscious is filled with self-doubt or fear of judgment, your solar plexus lacks the power to act confidently.

3. Overthinking happens when the mind tries to “control” every possible outcome, but a balanced solar plexus allows you to trust and act without fear.

Scientific Reason Behind Overthinking and Its Connection to the Subconscious Mind:

Our brain operates using five types of brain waves, which are electrical impulses reflecting different mental states. These waves are measured in Hertz (Hz) and influence our levels of consciousness, thought patterns, and decision-making.

When you engage in overthinking, excessive analysis, worry, or rumination, your brain produces an excess of Beta waves (13-30 Hz). While low to mid-Beta waves are beneficial for focus and problem-solving, high Beta activity is linked to stress, anxiety, and mental exhaustion, keeping you trapped in a cycle of overthinking and subconscious mind loops.

A weak or blocked Solar Plexus Chakra can contribute to this pattern by reducing self-trust and decision-making power, making it harder to shift from high Beta waves to more calm, intuitive brain states (like Alpha or Theta waves). Balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra can help regulate brainwave activity, reducing overthinking and self-doubt while restoring mental clarity.

How to Re-balance Your Solar Plexus Chakra & Overcome Overthinking

If you want to quiet your overthinking mind and reclaim your inner power, here are some effective ways to balance your solar plexus chakra:

1. Affirmations to Reprogram the Subconscious

Positive affirmations help overwrite old subconscious beliefs that keep you stuck in overthinking and the subconscious mind. By using positive affirmations, you replace negative thoughts with empowering beliefs. For example, if you’re stuck in overthinking about how to get a job, instead of stressing, affirm: “I am confident and capable.” This affirmation shifts your focus from overthinking and the subconscious mind to taking action, helping you reprogram your thoughts and move forward with confidence.. Try repeating:

2. Breathwork & Meditation for Mental Clarity

Deep breathing and meditation are effective tools for calming the subconscious mind and clearing energetic blockages, especially in the solar plexus. Chanting the sound “Rum” while focusing on the vibration around the navel specifically helps balance the Manipura (solar plexus). Practice diaphragmatic breathing (belly breathing) to activate and energize your solar plexus. By incorporating these techniques, you can break free from overthinking and the subconscious mind’s negative patterns. Visualize a bright yellow light radiating from your navel as you breathe deeply, allowing the energy to flow freely and restore mental clarity.

3. Solar Plexus Healing Foods

Certain foods nourish the solar plexus energy center, boosting confidence and supporting the subconscious mind. These foods are especially helpful for balancing your Manipura chakra. To heal and energize your solar plexus, eat yellow foods like bananas, pineapples, corn, and mangoes. Incorporate spices such as ginger and turmeric, which help with digestion and create energetic balance. These nourishing foods help quiet overthinking and the subconscious mind’s distractions, allowing you to feel more grounded and empowered.

4. Movement & Physical Activation

Boost your energy and support your solar plexus by incorporating movement into your routine. Practice yoga poses like Boat Pose, Warrior Pose, and Twists to activate your Manipura chakra. Taking short walks in the sunlight also nurtures this energy center, as the solar plexus is linked to the fire element. These movements help clear blockages in the subconscious mind, reducing overthinking and allowing you to feel more aligned, confident, and energized.

5. Journaling for Decision-Making

Writing down your thoughts helps prevent them from spiraling in your mind, which can often lead to overthinking and confusion in the subconscious mind. Ask yourself, “What’s the worst that could happen?” You’ll often find that the situation isn’t as bad as you imagined. Challenge negative thought patterns by listing logical counterpoints to your doubts, helping you break free from the grip of overthinking and the subconscious mind, and make clearer, more confident decisions.

Practical ways to stop overthinking

1. Engage in Physical Movement

2️. Use the ‘Write & Release’ Method

3️. The 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique

4️. Set a ‘Thinking Time’ Limit

5️. Use the ‘Will This Matter in 5 Years?’ Question

6️. Take Imperfect Action

7️. Socialize & Distract Yourself

8️. Reduce Decision Fatigue

Final Thoughts: Trust Yourself & Take Action

Overthinking is not a sign that something is wrong with you—it’s simply a habit formed by the subconscious mind. By healing your solar plexus chakra, you strengthen your ability to trust yourself, make decisions with confidence, and break free from mental loops.

The journey to clarity and self-trust starts with small steps. Begin today by incorporating one of the techniques above, and watch how your mindset transforms!

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